In the 1980’s Whitchurch Town Council realised the potential of restoring the canal arm back towards Whitchurch.
Liverpool Polytechnic were asked to do a feasibility study. Four routes were put forward and the favoured route was back through Chemistry Bridge.
In 1983 the Town Council called a public meeting to ask if there was support to bring the Arm of the canal back into Whitchurch and the proposal was supported by the majority.
To carry forward the project it was agreed that a trust be formed (i.e. not to be a Council-led project)
The District Council agreed that a Waterway could and should be made to bring more tourists to the town and district The District Council made the area required a protected route in the Local Plan. This meant no housing development could be done unless it was for the benefit of the waterway. This turned out to be a crucial decision.
Members of the public agreed a small working committee be elected from members of the public with one Town Councillor representing the Town Council
A Charitable Trust was incorporated on 26th July 1988 and became a Company Limited by Guarantee and not having a share capital with committee members being directors elected by members of the trust.
The restoration of the first part of the Whitchurch Canal Arm was completed in 1993.
The country Park in its present form was opened in September 2002.
The forward thinking plans of the Whitchurch Waterway Trust and North Shropshire District Council created a country park called Whitchurch Waterway Country Park
Through this park flow the waters of the Staggs brook which could be opened out to form the extension to the Whitchurch Arm of the canal towards the town.