Becoming a Trustee of The Whitchurch Waterway Trust
WWT is now a CIO type charity that is run by its Trustees.
WWT can have up to 13 Trustees and the constitution requires a minimum of 5.
We would like to have a wide mix of people as trustees and well as people to represent other organizations, groups or interests.
The trustees attend committee meetings and may volunteer for various tasks or they may just help the trust with their knowledge and expertise at meetings.
The roles trustees may fill include working on projects, helping to run the Whitchurch Canal Festival before hand or on the day, organising volunteer work parties, publicity, accounts, Secretary, running membership, running our website,finding funding, publicity and social media.
Even if you don’t feel you have any particular skill to offer, you can still find a way to contribute, or maybe gain some skills and learn more about canals.
You would need to be or become a member of The Whitchurch Waterway Trust and come to most Trustee meetings;-we have around 10 a year, which are usually held in a pub in Whitchurch.
If you’d like to know more why not come along to a few meetings first to see what it’s like, please contact the secretary by emailing to secretary@whitchurchwaterway.uk.